Nature conservation
Sustainable forestry
Organic agriculture
The Swiss-Ecuadorian family business Arbofino specializes in the management of sustainable teak plantations, the reforestation and conservation of natural forests, and the production of organic cacao in Ecuador.
Would you like to combine interesting return opportunities through fair investment with nature conservation? With our impact investment approach, everyone should benefit. Maximizing returns at the expense of others is not an option for us.
Does your company or you as a private person want to offset CO2 with pure nature conservation projects and promote biodiversity at the same time? A holistic approach with scientific studies, social projects and the protection of nature reserves through our own Bosquefino Foundation guarantee a long-term, measurable effect.

The perfect combination of return, nature conservation and social impact
- Timber revenue for the investors
- Nature reserve for the animals
- CO2 absorption for the climate
- Jobs for the local population
- “A teak more personal.”

Protect climate & promote biodiversity – incl. communication support
- Creation of nature reserves
- Offsetting CO2 emissions
- Scientific & social projects
- Permanence through foundation
- For business & individuals

Responsible production of fine flavoured cocoa in mixed culture rich in species
- Cocoa beans for manufacturers
- Cacao Arriba Nacional
- Quality & Sustainability
- Old and young cocoa trees
- Biodiversity promotion

Lived Sustainability
The diverse challenges of our time demand a consistent holistic approach to all activities. We measure our success by the added value we achieve for all stakeholders. In economic terms, this applies both to customers and to us as a company. We are united by our interest in achieving a measurable and verifiable positive impact for nature and local communities. In doing so, we rely on respect, trust, honesty and tangible passion for our projects.
Guaranteed personal, guaranteed impactful.

native trees planted

Forest Conservation
hectares of forest saved from logging

Nature reserve
hectares of protected area established

CO2 compensation
Tons of CO2 equivalents absorbed annually by our natural forest

Fair labor
local workers employed per year (full and part time across all projects)

Animal welfare
in some cases severely neglected domestic & farm animals adopted